Test bench for compressors (1999)

The bench is made up of an aeronautical-derived compressor (Allison 250-C18) driven by an inverter-controlled electric motor with a power of 87 kW. Over the years the compressor has been fully instrumented for thermo-fluid-dynamic, vibrational, acoustic and image acquisition measurements. It is also equipped with an acquisition system based on the National Instrument platform. To carry out the research activities, devices such as:

o plenum downstream of the compressor to operate in stall and pumping conditions (surge);

o system for the injection of demineralised water and washing fluids for wet compression and compressor washing tests;

o solid particle injection system for axial compressor fouling tests.

Small hydraulic test bench for tests on centrifugal pumps (2013)

The bench is mainly used for the study of pumps fed with unconventional fluids, such as those with high viscosity and non-Newtonian behavior (such as, for example, mixtures of water/kaolin and pear juice);

Test bench for erosion tests (2019)

It is  used to evaluate the erosion behavior of industrial fan blade coating materials subjected to ingestion of solid particles depending on the type of particles.

Test bench for the study of deposition phenomena on surfaces (2018)

The bench is powered by a fan and a powder generator, and uses specimens (coupons) hit by jets of air with variable speed and contamination.

Aeroderivative micro gas turbine converted to an electricity generator (2012)

The microturbine, powered by liquid fuel, is equipped with an electric generator and a resistance battery for load dissipation, and was used for experimentation on the problems of use with vegetable oil power.

Test pipeline for testing the behavior of fan blades with inserts in shape memory materials (2016)

This test bench, powered by a fan facing batteries of electric resistors for heating the air, has also made it possible to develop innovative measurement techniques for the dynamic acquisition of deforming geometries.